Your podcast is so 2023.
Bring it into the age of AI with Podverse.
ChatGPT for your podcast
Podcast details page
Automatic episode transcripts
AI-generated episode summaries
AI-powered chat and Q&A
Full-text search
Podverse uses AI to help you and your listeners get the most out of your podcast.
It's super easy to get started. All you need to do is provide your podcast's RSS feed URL, and we do the rest.
Packed with features
Automatic episode transcripts
Podverse generates text transcripts of each episode, and automatically identify the names of each speaker in the audio. Transcripts are synchronized with audio playback.
AI-generated episode summaries
Podverse uses the latest AI models to read the transcript and come up with a short, pithy summary to make it easier for listeners to learn more about your podcast.
Embedded on your site
AI features are fully embedded on your site -- search, chat, and transcripts. Customize the look and feel to match your site.
AI-powered chat
Podverse builds an AI chatbot that knows everything about your podcast and the content of every episode, helping listeners dig deeper by asking questions and getting more information about your content. It's just like ChatGPT, but for your podcast.
Full-text search
Your podcast is fully indexed and searchable, so listeners can find exactly what they're looking for.
You're in control.
We get it -- AI can be scary for creators. That's why everything Podverse does with your content is fully under your control. We will never use your content to train new models or generate new material, and you can remove your podcast from Podverse at any time. Our whole mission is to make sure you get the most out of your podcast, not to undercut creators.
You also have the option of keeping your podcast hidden on the Podverse site, requiring users to access it through a private link. Podverse isn't meant to replace your existing distribution channels -- just to augment them. Alternately, you can mark your podcast as discoverable, where it can be found through the Podcast site directly.
What's it cost?
Podverse is absolutely free to get started. You can import up to 10 podcast episodes on the free plan. We have more generous plans available for creators who want to fully leverage the power of Podverse. Check out our pricing page for more details.
Who made this thing?
Podverse is created by Ziggylabs, a new company building AI-powered tools that help people learn and grow. Ziggylabs is founded by Matt Welsh, an AI hacker, former CS prof, and entrepreneur from Seattle.
We built Podverse because we love learning from podcasts, but found that podcast content can be hard to discover, hard to reference later, and hard to share with others. Bringing all of the amazing content from podcasts into a text-based format makes it easier to search, share, and learn from podcasts.
We'd love to hear from you! If you have feedback, questions, or suggestions on how to make Podverse better, drop us a line at